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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

I am unable to access the merge and center function in excel.
Solved by G. A. in 28 mins
Group the two worksheets. Merge and center the title in cell A1 across the range A1:G1 and apply the Title cell style. Merge and center the subtitle in cell A2 across the range A2:G2 and apply the Heading 1 cell style. AutoFit Column A. Center the worksheets Horizontally, change the Orientation to Landscape.
Solved by E. E. in 17 mins
Insert a new blank row 1. In cell A1, type Schedule of Academic Events with Unassigned Judges and then Merge & Center the title across the range A1:M1. Apply the Title cell style
Solved by B. H. in 21 mins
Display Sheet1 and rename the sheet as Investment Sources. Click in any blank cell to cancel any selections. In cell A12, type Goal: Increase Endowment Fund from 8% to 10% and then Merge & Center the text across the range A12:D12. Apply the Heading 3 cell style. In cell A13, type Goal Amount.
Solved by C. S. in 11 mins
Can you take 2 excel files and merge them into one file?
Solved by D. Y. in 20 mins