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Here are some problems that our users have asked and received explanations on

I need help writing a formula which is basically the inverse of another formula.
Solved by G. F. in 21 mins
I am making a line graph and I want one of my axis labels to read 1/6561 and I made this a custom fraction since I cannot format any fraction larger than 1/100. When I entered my horizontal catagory axis labels, it changed my fraction 1/6561 and instead labeled it in the formula of the fraction 0.000152416, this is not what I want and I can't get it to use the fraction for the label!
Solved by Z. J. in 30 mins
I need to delete additive inverse of numbers in a huge data file.!
Solved by K. Q. in 26 mins
I was working with an expert yesterday to create the inverse of an existing function.
Solved by Z. W. in 12 mins
I am trying to complete a normal inverse function but it is not allowing me
Solved by V. U. in 23 mins